
Trustees function as stewards of the property God has entrusted to the congregation. This includes supervising and maintaining both the physical property of the congregation and gifts made to the congregation so that the ministries of the congregation can be effective and all legal requirements related to the property are satisfied.

Our Board of Trustees has developed a 10-Year Project Plan to identify current and future property needs, financial resources, and priorities. Upcoming projects are sorted into short, mid and long-term activities to balance financial and volunteer resources. The plan is updated as new items arise.

Does this type of work interest you?  Do you have a project idea?  Would you like to help?  Complete a Project Submission Form and submit it to the church office.

Staff Parish Relations Committee

The committee assists the pastor and staff in assessing their gifts and setting priorities for leadership and service including, but not limited to, the following: 

1. Encourage, strengthen, nurture, support, and respect the pastor, staff, and their families. 

2. Confer with and counsel the pastor and staff on matters pertaining to the effectiveness of our ministry, relationships with the congregation, and ministry growing edges. 

3. Provide evaluations at least annually for the pastor and staff in support of ongoing effective ministry and to identify continuing education needs and plans. 

4. Develop and approve written job descriptions for staff in cooperation with the pastor. 

5. Assist the bishop and the district superintendent in identifying the gifts and graces needed for the next spiritual leaders of the congregation.

Church Council

The Church Council leads the ministries of the church. It oversees the development and management of financial resources used to deliver the church ministries. The Church Council works to ensure that the money, time, and talent church members share with FUMC enable us to grow ministries we value and love, and do what God wishes us to do. 

CYFM council

The Children Youth and Family Council is focused on strengthening children, youth, and family connections by building a strong faith foundation and connection with the church as all grow in discipleship and the love of Jesus Christ.