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Volunteer opportunities

What's coming up?

Interested in helping? Call the church office at 509-663-1607

Volunteer to Make a Difference

Make a difference by using your time and talent to be a volunteer. Bring your experience to mission programs, worship, office projects, local outreach ministries, or emergency response around the world. You can volunteer as an individual or as part of a team. Following current opportunities to serve.

Job descriptions and training are available for all volunteer positions.

Commodities/Food Bank

Eight years ago on a cold November Saturday, Wenatchee First participated in an annual city-wide homeless count as part of a collaboration of the City of Wenatchee, the United Way Foundation, and the Community Action Council. At that event, we learned about the Government Commodities Program and their need for volunteers to take over the distribution of food supplied by the government for those in need. Wenatchee First currently has a group of volunteers that share table setup for products received through the commodities program, distributed monthly in concert with the local food bank. 

St. Luke's soup kitchen 

Wenatchee First members support  St. Luke's Episcopal Soup Kitchen (SLESK) "one sack at a time", preparing lunch for up to 70 persons each month.

Normally, SLESK offers soup and salad and a dessert, but with COVID-related restrictions, they need to be able to serve whatever fits in a lunch sack, to be handed out one at a time through a door. And so we do, with favorites like a cheese sandwich with the works, chips, juice, fruit, and a full-size candy bar. Either way, serving is fun and fulfilling. The best part is greeting and talking to those coming for lunch, albeit from a distance at present.

Volunteers work with the students and administration to assist with health screenings, book giveaways, and school-related family event nights.

Columbia School book program

Each year the Columbia School Partnership (CSP) team works diligently to collect books by donation, at yard sales, and other sources to in turn give away to the children of Columbia Elementary School. The team inspects the books and makes repairs where needed. Taping the pages, re-gluing the bindings, and erasing pencil marks left by prior owners are labors of love that reflect our volunteers' dedication to this important and unique mission.

Seeing the smiles on the faces of children receiving their very own books will leave a lasting impression. Our work offers this and more. 

Contact Carolin Peipel for ways to help with books and more!

Packing Friendship 

Some children don’t have enough food to eat at home. School lunch programs provide breakfasts and lunches to those in need during the week, but those same children may not have enough to eat on the weekends. 

Packing Friendship volunteers fill backpacks with nonperishable food on Friday afternoons so kids will have enough to eat over the weekend. The goal is to bridge that gap so the students can come to school ready to learn.