Latino Ministry

Our Latino Ministry is always looking for a few good volunteers to help teach citizenship classes or to provide individual tutoring sessions to persons preparing to take their citizenship test. There are also opportunities to assist individuals with their English language skills (both written and verbal). 

Interested in being part of this ministry? Contact the church office to learn more.  

English as a second language

This nine-month English as a Second Language program is offered during the school year. We are planning on opening classes in January. We won't have our usual free childcare at that time, but we plan on providing that service for our students in the future. Please contact Val Newell for more information.

Spanish Class

Spanish language lessons for English speakers will begin in January and meet Tuesday and Thursday from 4:00-6:00.  

Please contact Val Newell for more information.

Citizenship Services

Citizenship services, including community education, civics classes, and application services will be provided. Assistance is available based on need and available resources. Naturalization ceremonies in conjunction with USCIS (to the extent they are offered in our community) and voter registration assistance will also be provided. 

Please contact Norma Gallegos or Monica Valle.  

And more...

Assistance is available to participating Hispanic community members based on need and available resources, such as helping with connections to naturalization ceremonies, voter registration, and Posada performance.